Applications invited from Black heritage candidates for the Sanger Excellence Fellowship

Applications invited from Black heritage candidates for the Sanger Excellence Fellowship

The Wellcome Sanger Institute, in partnership with Wellcome Connecting Science, invites applications for a new three-year Fellowship aimed at people from Black heritage backgrounds. APPLICATIONS NOW CLOSED.

Building Equity to Enhance Research Excellence
This opportunity will enable Black early career researchers to develop their portfolio of research experience and thrive in the field of UK genomics science. The new Fellowship is designed to attract research excellence and we will provide the Fellows with training, mentorship and support to drive their careers forward and to support a more diverse pipeline of future talent. This Fellowship programme has been developed in close collaboration with internal and external experts, including senior Black academics and Black-led community groups, who have helped shape the overall approach. Mentorship, training and sponsorship is built into the heart of the programme and all candidates, including those who are unsuccessful, will receive feedback and have the opportunity to be mentored and receive career development support.
Aims of the Fellowship
People from Black heritage backgrounds are under-represented in higher education and in the biological sciences, compared to the wider UK population. We recognise that persistent racial inequalities disadvantage people from Black heritage backgrounds in all walks of life, including academia and this is propagated along the academic pipeline. We have extensively examined our staff data and this pattern is reflected within our own demography. To address these barriers, we designed this particular programme as a positive action initiative to nurture excellence that may otherwise be lost to science and to stimulate and promote change along the academic pipeline.
Research Areas (Wet or Dry Lab Background)

This Fellowship is aimed at early career researchers and the general requirements are an undergraduate degree and PhD awarded from UK institutions. We pride ourselves in offering a first-class and well-resourced exceptional learning environment and our Postdoctoral Fellowship Development Programme provides a comprehensive training experience designed to equip individuals with the knowledge, training and skills they require to be successful in their future careers – whatever they may do. This particular scheme is open to people who self-identify as being from a Black heritage background, including a mixed race background. For example, Black African; Black Caribbean; Black Other; Mixed background (to include Black African, Black Caribbean or other Black backgrounds).
Our Race Equality Strategy
Our Race Equity strategy is supported by our holistic Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategy, which aims to ensure that we draw on as wide a pool of talent as possible. Scientific excellence is strengthened by the diversity of skills, knowledge and experience and we are committed to fostering an inclusive culture where all our staff and students are welcomed, feel that they belong and can thrive. Our activities include focussed interventions on all aspects of equity and inclusion.
Application Timeline