The findings of our Race Equality Survey 2014 first published in April, will be performed as poetic readings at the upcoming Leaders Forum by Gold Member Dr Martin Glynn, a criminologist and specialist in ethnodrama.
The first poem, to be performed at 11am focuses on the student narrative; the second poem, to be performed at 12.45pm focuses on the staff narrative and the final poem to be performed at 3.15pm will focus on the survey conclusions.
The idea to present the findings of the Race Equality Survey as performance poetry was put forward by Dr Martin Glynn, an acclaimed writer whose commissioned work includes theatre, live performance, radio drama and children’s books.
Dr Glynn is a staunch advocate of ethnodrama, which is defined by Johnny Saldana as the written translation and adaption of ethnographic research, staged as a live, public, theatrical performance.
While the Race Equality Survey as an online questionnaire is in theory quantitative research; a large number of personal narratives of staff and students were captured through additional responses provided by survey respondents, which form the basis of the ethnodrama.
Dr Gabriel, CEO of Black British Academics and author of the Race Equality Survey says: “I was amazed at how well Dr Glynn’s poems capture the experiences and perspectives of black and minority ethnic staff and students who completed the survey. He really conveys the emotion, passion and conviction with which they articulated their concerns, observations and proposed solutions to issues around race equality.”
Dr Glynn, who pioneered the use of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in criminology for his PhD thesis on black male desistance, sees ethnodrama as another platform for extending CRT by using the narratives in research as a form of storytelling. He explains:
“Ethnodrama is a powerful tool for creating spaces that enable marginalised individuals or groups to narrate and interpret real life events in the form of counter narratives, in opposition to dominant discourses.
“Dramatizing data can help to bring coherence and validation to marginalised groups and brings representations of their lived experiences to heightened prominence.”
Rt Hon Lord Paul of Marylebone
It has been confirmed that The Rt Hon Lord Paul of Marylebone, Chancellor of the University of Westminster, will deliver the keynote speech for the VIP Reception at the upcoming Leaders Forum.
Lord Paul was appointed Chancellor of the University of Westminster in 2006 and previously served as Deputy Speaker of the House of Lords from December 2008 to November 2010.